
About Me

543736_10101393685609820_525228656_nHello! My name is Britne Jenke, and I use technology to create great web and learning experiences! I am an instructional designer with a focus in eLearning, gamification, and educational technology. I’m also a web designer and developer with experience in many programming and scripting languages. I am passionate about usability and user-centered design, evaluation and analysis, and improving performance through creative design and rich user experiences.

Find Me

I’m a lifelong learner as well as a learning professional! You can find me on many learning websites:

About this Site

This is my personal portfolio of projects I’ve done in instructional design, web design, and usability. In many cases, if the project came from my professional work, I have replaced confidential or employer-specific information with “lorem ipsum” text, or removed that information entirely. For other topics that are more generalized, or for projects done for coursework or as a freelancer, most information remains intact. I try to keep this portfolio updated when I have something to share, so check back to see new work! If you’re looking for a specific project or type of work, use the search bar, categories, or tags in the sidebar to refine your search. Thanks for visiting!