Needfinding Interview: Transportation

This was a project for my Human Centered Design course through Coursera. This is a needfinding interview about transportation habits.

Interview Guide: The Transportation Experience
Author: Britne Jenke
Session Length: 27 minutes
Participant: Christopher Jenke
Date: 02/07/2016
Location: Akron, OH (Participant’s home)
Equipment: Audio recording device, interview guide, notebook and pen

Script: Setup
Set up audio recording on cell phone.

Thank you for participating! This interview is part of an assignment for my Introduction to Human-Centered Design course.

The purpose of this interview is for me to learn from you about your experiences with transportation and what works and doesn’t work you. With this, I hope to generate ideas for making the way you get around a better experience for you and for people like you. There are no right or wrong answers to any of the questions I’m asking – I’m simply interested in understanding how you get around on a day-to-day basis. This will feel more like a conversation – I will ask you to walk me through your daily activities and I’ll ask you questions to better understand what you do. I want to hear your stories and experiences, and your goals and ideas.

Here’s how the session’s going to flow. I’ll ask you a few general questions about how you get around and the places you go. Then we’ll go through your daily routine in a bit more detail. While you are thinking about these activities, I’d like you to think out aloud, which means you give a running commentary of what’s going on in your mind. You can talk about things you like or don’t like. Feel free to say anything that comes to your mind; my only goal is to generate design ideas for my coursework.

I will make an audio recording of you so that I can go back and review things later and make sure I captured everything correctly. The audio recording will only be used for the purposes of this assignment.

How does all that sound to you? Do you have any questions at this point?

Script: Intro & Participant Background
Let’s start with a basics. My name is [interviewer’s name]. And you are?
Great, [name]. Tell me what you do for a living.
What about your hobbies, what do you do for fun?
Describe the area where you live.
[If needed, prompt] Is it rural, urban, suburban? Population?

How much time do you spend on an average day getting from one location to another by any means of transportation (walking, biking, driving, riding as a passenger, bus/train, taxi/uber, etc.)?
[PAUSE, let participant reflect, remind him/her to talk aloud as he/she is adding up time]

What would you say is your primary means of transportation?
[If vehicle/motorcycle/bicycle] Do you have one single [vehicle] that you use?
[If needed] How much time do you spend as a passenger?
Why do you use the method of transportation that you do?
Have you always spent a similar amount of time on transportation as you do now?
[If no] Did you spend more or less time on transportation in the past? Tell me about those experiences.
How would you describe your overall feelings about “getting around”?

You said you [occupation/hobby].
[If employed] Do you use a vehicle for your job?
[If yes] How much time do you spend using the vehicle for work on a daily basis?
What about a [work/school] day versus a [weekend/day off] – do you spend more or less time “getting around” on one kind of day or another?

Tell me about the places you go on a daily basis.
What about places you might go once a week or so?
What about once a month or more?

How often do you travel long distances?
[If any travel] Is travel part of your work or for leisure?
[If any travel] What is your primary means of long distance travel?

Tell me about your best experience with transportation.
What about your worst?
Script: Main Interview Questions
You said you primarily used [method].
What factors were part of your decision to choose [method] over another?
Have these factors changed over time?
Do you anticipate them changing in the future?
What do you like about [method] in particular?
What do you dislike about [method]?
Have you ever tried another means of transportation?
[If yes] Tell me more about that experience.

Tell me about the items you have with you when you use your primary mode of transportation.
[If needed, prompt:] Do you always have your mobile device? Keys? A helmet?

Now I’m going to have you walk me through a few moments in your average day. What happens from the moment you leave your front door in the morning to the moment you begin to to move in your primary means of transportation? Don’t leave anything out – I want every detail. Go ahead and close your eyes and visualize it.
[Prompt and ask probing questions as necessary.]

Now think about your trip itself. Keep your eyes closed! What kinds of things are going on as you journey from home to your final destination? Tell me what you are interacting with, and what is going on around you. Tell me the places you go between home and your final destination.
[Prompt and ask probing questions as necessary.]

Okay, keep your eyes closed for just one more. Now you have arrived at your final destination. Walk me through everything that happens from stopping movement in your primary means of transportation to walking in the front door of your location.
[Prompt and ask probing questions as necessary.]

You can open your eyes now.
Tell me, now that your daily routine is fresh in your mind, what do you enjoy about your current commute or transportation routine?
What isn’t working well for you?

Who else do you interact with in your daily transportation routine?
When socializing, do you tend to discuss your commute?
[If yes] With who?
[If yes] Do you usually speak in a positive or negative light about your transportation experiences?

Script: In Closing
Let’s be honest, you’ve thought about this before. If you could create a magical tool that could improve your transportation experience, what would such a tool be? How would it work? What areas would it cover?

I’ve been asking you a lot of questions. Is there anything you want to ask me?
Are there any questions you wish I had asked you?
Is there anything else you would like to share?

Thank you so much for your time. I’ve learned so much from you!

Turn off audio recording.